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Damian Probett


I’ve always made things.  I can’t remember a time when I didn’t.
It's all I've ever wanted to do.


I’ve worked as a saddlemaker, carpenter, joiner, aircraft toolmaker, racing motorcycle chassis maker, racing motorcycle engine builder and tuner, guitar repairer and now guitar maker.





One of my early obsessions was old British motorcycles. Those things will teach you one end of a spanner from the other really quickly! I’ve retained a love for these beautiful, quirky things both as machines and for how they represent a time of British manufacturing. Our logo and model names are both inspired by these fascinating devices.


I worked for several years in the woodwork shop at the British Aerospace factory at the old Brooklands airfield and racetrack  in Weybridge. To work in a place with such a rich manufacturing and motorsport heritage was something rather special and part of what inspires my determination to continue to make things right here in England.


I’ve also always played guitar. This led to several years working for one of London’s leading repair shops. Charlie Chandler and Paul Herman remain a source of inspiration and encouragement. I have been fortunate to get to spend time with many vintage instruments. Their unique and sometimes quirky nature was, like the motorcycles of the same era, a source of inspiration for my own designs.

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